When a company’s senior management or a board of directors suspect their company is being victimised by such conduct, they must act quickly to validate their suspicions, safeguard the company’s assets and halt the undesired activity and prevent reoccurrences. This must be accomplished without disturbing the normal flow of business activities.
To this end, LKA Group have specialist personnel who work together with you to collect and analyse information about the suspected conduct. This maximises your company’s ability to assess the extent of losses, attempt to recover assets and contain or prevent damaging financial impact.
LKA Group’s specialist investigators have extensive background experience in detecting and solving misappropriations of corporate assets, violations of fiduciary duties, illegal conduct, corporate fraud, travel fraud and insurance fraud.
LKA Group provides litigation support services to your company’s legal counsel. Our services include collecting evidence to support a claim or defence, identifying and locating witnesses, investigating adverse witnesses, locating and evaluating recoverable assets and aiding in the execution of mareva injunctions (asset freezing).